What is the best online way to boost scientific knowledge?
More about this channel
Like any other OTT channel, it also contains videos but the content is limited to education that is provided in an interesting and entertaining manner. Simply put, the videos aren’t raw like you have an expert giving lecture on new techniques.
For example, take a video on grassroots technology. It is a short 22-minute video in which you will see the techniques used as the basic level. And what makes this video interesting are its commentary and visuals that are real.
Take another video on traditional watermills that throw light on the working of these machines. Here you will see how conventional watermills work and what their advantages are.
Language is the power of the Indian science channel as it is available in both Hindi and English languages. Hindi being a local language allows it to connect with the masses. Viewers can choose the language of their preference to get education.
Who selects content for this channel?
It has a strong editorial team that includes eminent educationalists to choose content. And this team leaves no stone unturned in bringing the best for students and everyone interested in boosting his scientific knowledge.
Features of the video content
1. Simplification
Here you will get simplifications about everything that comes under science and technology. The channel doesn’t compete with anyone but tries to fulfill the demand of knowledge. It is a serious attempt to fill the gaps left by formal education.
2. Participation
It allows viewers to take a direct part in dissemination of knowledge by giving feedback and sharing content with others. Also, there are online quizzes and discussions to enhance scientific knowledge.
3. Information
The best way to know about Indian scientific inventions is to visit seminars and exhibitions for which you can take help of this channel that bring videos of all seminars and exhibitions going on in the country.
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